ঢাকা ০৫:০৬ অপরাহ্ন, বুধবার, ১২ মার্চ ২০২৫, ২৮ ফাল্গুন ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ
ব্রেকিং নিউজ
যায়যায়দিন পত্রিকার ডিক্লেয়ারেশন বাতিল আওয়ামী লীগ দল হিসেবে মৃত্যু বরণ করেছে ইউনিয়ন বিএনপির সম্মেলনে এম নাসের রহমান মৌলভীবাজারে পৌর ছাত্রদলের মশাল মিছিল রোজাদার পথচারিদের মাঝে তারেক রহমানের উপহার বিতরন করলেন সাবেক এমপি এম নাসের রহমান মানুষ হত্যা, জাতির সম্পদ লুটপাট করেও আ.লীগের মধ্যে কোন অনুভূতি নেই মৌলভীবাজার এহসানুল মাহবুব জুবায়ের মানুষের কাজ করতে হবে হৃদয় উজার করে শ্রীমঙ্গলে ইফতার মাহফিলে মহসিন মিয়া মধু রাজনগরে দুর্যোগ প্রস্তুতি দিবস-২০২৫ পালিত বড়লেখায় ধর্ষণের শিকার সেই শিশুটির পাশে দাঁড়ালেন নাসের রহমান ভুয়া মেজর আ ট ক কোটচাঁদপুরে অগ্নিকাণ্ড বিষয়ক মহড়া ও আলোচনা সভা

What Obaidul Quader said about Mayor Arif’s ‘candidate’ in Sisik election

নিজস্ব সংবাদ :
  • আপডেট সময় ১০:৩৩:৪১ পূর্বাহ্ন, মঙ্গলবার, ১১ এপ্রিল ২০২৩
  • / ২৮৩ বার পড়া হয়েছে

Awami League General Secretary and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader said that BNP did not have the party symbol (grain of rice) in various municipal, upazila and union level elections, but their candidates wore veils in all places. Candidates wearing this veil will also be present in the city elections. Sylhet’s current mayor Arif Allready announced. Ghomtapras also have their independent candidates in other cities. Quader said, we are not inviting them (BNP) in the city elections. It is their right to participate in elections. Like national elections, city elections are like thatOn Tuesday (April 11) on the occasion of the historic Mujibnagar Day (April 17), he said these things in an exchange meeting with the central leaders of Awami League at the central office of 23 Bangabandhu Avenue with the president-general secretary of certain districts, party members of parliament and chairmen of district councils. He said that our target in the next election also should not be spread by evil forces under the leadership of anti-liberation war, anti-liberation BNP. Our movement, struggle and struggle will continue until the poison tree that gave birth to this evil power is revealed. Obaidul Quader said, BNP still denies the days related to the liberation war. They don’t obey, they ignore. Among them, April 17 is one. This day you will see that BNP has no program, they do not follow it. He said that the speech which brought freedom to a nation, they neither acknowledge nor observe it on March 7. They are freedom believers. You will see that there is no Bangabandhu in their program on Victory Day, you will see that there is no Bangabandhu on Independence Day, BNP is still continuing what Zia Rahman started. They celebrate Victory Day and have no hero of victory. They don’t have an architect of independence they celebrate independence day. If they were in power they did it and still they are in the same mindset. They do not hold the spirit of the liberation war. Does not believe in the ideal of freedom. This is the proven fact of Bangladesh today. He further said that the BNP claims to be the Declaration of Independence who is one of the readers of the Declaration. Abul Kashem Sandeep, MA Hannan, had many such readers. Ziaur Rahman is also one of them reader of announcement. The reader of the announcement cannot be the announcer. The declaration had the legal right of none other than Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Bangabandhu was the only legitimate right. He had the right to declare independence because of the mandate that the people of this country gave him in the 1970 election. The bridge minister said, they want to make the person who does not have the legal right to declare independence the announcer. Freedom did not happen at the blow of a whistle. A history of struggle and movement where there is heroism, but also intrigue. Ziaur Rahman may be a legend in Bangladesh history, but making him a hero is a whimsical fantasy that has no connection with reality. It is a shameless distortion of history. Ziaur Rahman is the herald of independence. Ziaur Rahman is not a hero of history, but a villain of history. There is no end to what he has to say today. We will proceed with our symptoms. This country is the country of liberation war, this country is the country of freedom struggle. He also said, they say that Awami League will not get more than thirty seats, how to prove it? Come election, people will vote. Don’t you remember what Begum Khaleda said before the election in 2008 that Awami League will not get even thirty seats. Do you remember? Awami League Joint General Secretary Mahbub Ul Alam Hanif, AFM Bahauddin Nashim, Organizing Secretary BM Mozammel Haque, Office Secretary Barrister Biplab Barua, Deputy Publicity Secretary Syed Abdul Awal Shamim, Deputy Office Secretary Sayem Khan and Khulna divisional leaders were present in the meeting.

ট্যাগস :

নিউজটি শেয়ার করুন

What Obaidul Quader said about Mayor Arif’s ‘candidate’ in Sisik election

আপডেট সময় ১০:৩৩:৪১ পূর্বাহ্ন, মঙ্গলবার, ১১ এপ্রিল ২০২৩

Awami League General Secretary and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader said that BNP did not have the party symbol (grain of rice) in various municipal, upazila and union level elections, but their candidates wore veils in all places. Candidates wearing this veil will also be present in the city elections. Sylhet’s current mayor Arif Allready announced. Ghomtapras also have their independent candidates in other cities. Quader said, we are not inviting them (BNP) in the city elections. It is their right to participate in elections. Like national elections, city elections are like thatOn Tuesday (April 11) on the occasion of the historic Mujibnagar Day (April 17), he said these things in an exchange meeting with the central leaders of Awami League at the central office of 23 Bangabandhu Avenue with the president-general secretary of certain districts, party members of parliament and chairmen of district councils. He said that our target in the next election also should not be spread by evil forces under the leadership of anti-liberation war, anti-liberation BNP. Our movement, struggle and struggle will continue until the poison tree that gave birth to this evil power is revealed. Obaidul Quader said, BNP still denies the days related to the liberation war. They don’t obey, they ignore. Among them, April 17 is one. This day you will see that BNP has no program, they do not follow it. He said that the speech which brought freedom to a nation, they neither acknowledge nor observe it on March 7. They are freedom believers. You will see that there is no Bangabandhu in their program on Victory Day, you will see that there is no Bangabandhu on Independence Day, BNP is still continuing what Zia Rahman started. They celebrate Victory Day and have no hero of victory. They don’t have an architect of independence they celebrate independence day. If they were in power they did it and still they are in the same mindset. They do not hold the spirit of the liberation war. Does not believe in the ideal of freedom. This is the proven fact of Bangladesh today. He further said that the BNP claims to be the Declaration of Independence who is one of the readers of the Declaration. Abul Kashem Sandeep, MA Hannan, had many such readers. Ziaur Rahman is also one of them reader of announcement. The reader of the announcement cannot be the announcer. The declaration had the legal right of none other than Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Bangabandhu was the only legitimate right. He had the right to declare independence because of the mandate that the people of this country gave him in the 1970 election. The bridge minister said, they want to make the person who does not have the legal right to declare independence the announcer. Freedom did not happen at the blow of a whistle. A history of struggle and movement where there is heroism, but also intrigue. Ziaur Rahman may be a legend in Bangladesh history, but making him a hero is a whimsical fantasy that has no connection with reality. It is a shameless distortion of history. Ziaur Rahman is the herald of independence. Ziaur Rahman is not a hero of history, but a villain of history. There is no end to what he has to say today. We will proceed with our symptoms. This country is the country of liberation war, this country is the country of freedom struggle. He also said, they say that Awami League will not get more than thirty seats, how to prove it? Come election, people will vote. Don’t you remember what Begum Khaleda said before the election in 2008 that Awami League will not get even thirty seats. Do you remember? Awami League Joint General Secretary Mahbub Ul Alam Hanif, AFM Bahauddin Nashim, Organizing Secretary BM Mozammel Haque, Office Secretary Barrister Biplab Barua, Deputy Publicity Secretary Syed Abdul Awal Shamim, Deputy Office Secretary Sayem Khan and Khulna divisional leaders were present in the meeting.